Thursday, December 28, 2006
Sick Christmas of 2006

WOW, it's been a really long time since I've blogged... Over a month, I see. Thanksgiving and Christmas are crazy in our home. Working for a church, it's our busiest season. Our pastor calls those parishioners (that only attend church twice a year) the Poinsettia & Lilly crowd. Anyway, the church is a busy place over the holidays. People seem to need God and some find him over the holidays. And since my poor husband works for UPS, we don't really see him from Thanksgiving to New Years. When we do see him he's snapping at us and down right grumpy. We try to be more forgiving considering he's working 16 hours a day for the two weeks prior to Christmas. HOWEVER, now it's three days AFTER Christmas and his mood has not lightened. Thank goodness we're blessed with an upcoming ski vacation. Hopefully we can find our peace and serenity once again - after the 12 hour car ride with four children of course. THAT I am not really looking forward to.

So back to my crappy Christmas... It seemed I was going to make it through alright. Every year I start to get a bad attitude, since I am the lone ranger in planning, buying and wrapping everything for all of our family. This includes at least one meal at my house and planning one or two meals elsewhere. Last year I was pregnant at this time and very tired of all the hustle & bustle. This year I have a one year old -- talk about tired! Yes, I have figured out why people have children at a younger age. Being 40 and chasing a baby along with a 16, 11 and 9 year old -- and taking care of my husband is exhausting to say the least. First of all, I lost my debit/Visa card one week before Christmas. How have we become so dependent on these things? What can you not live without? Debit cards and cell phones - crazy, huh? Not to mention, I washed my cell phone two weeks ago and had to replace that as well. A good freind suggested next time, I take a soft cloth and wipe it down instead of washing it in my jeans pocket :) So I have to replace all the contacts in my cell phone and I never know who is calling me. I have to say, I did not realize how dependent I was on phone numbers - there are many I do not have written down in any other place. So, that really sucked. Back to the debit card... I had to write like five billion checks, which takes much longer and some places don't even take checks anymore. Plus, It's more difficult (for me) to keep track of my spending. We were already off to a "not-so-great" start. As Christmas was about three days away, I thought if that was the worst thing that happened, I could make it. THEN the baby got sick -- (here's where the music goes dun,dun,dun). Croupy cough, runny nose, can't breathe so all she does is cry. Can't suck on her pacifier, so she cries more. Doesn't want ANYONE but Mommy. Mommy has presents to wrap, last minute presents to BUY, lots of food and preparation. Blah, blah, blah... It all comes to a scretching halt. THEN Mommy got sick (louder DUN, DUN, DUN). Daddy is still snapping at everyone, he's a complete zombie because he's worked SO hard the past month -- this is the man that loves his job (!?!?!?) I don't know about your house, but in mine, when Mommy gets sick the earth stops revolving. And when it's on Christmas day - that just sucks.
So now, we're somewhat on the mend. The rest of the girls have scratchy throats, but seem to be fighting it off. Not that they would if they had to go to school - but it is Christmas break!
In the mean time, I feel like The Little Engine That Could... just trying to get to January 12 for vacation. Hopefully we will all be well!
I should take pictures of Landry in her beautiful Christmas dress before all the decorations are down. She has a matching bow, bloomers, socks & shoes. Then I can look back and say "Oh that was the Sick Christmas of 2006, when she didn't even wear that dress - I took the pictures in January when we were all well!" No... I think I'll pass on that.
Oh well, another Christmas season has come and gone.

Hopefully next year we will be well. We are still so very blessed, even through our trials and tribulations.

I hope your Christmas was full of love (and health!)

posted at 9:45 AM


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Grapevine, Texas

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